
New Labels being well received

Posted by Natalie Cowling on

We finally have the new labels back from the printer. Very exciting! They are new, fresh, clean-looking, with an ocean/mineral/sea feel. Just what  we wanted. They carry the look further, being a clean white jar with a matte silver lid. The products look great all together on a shelf and certainly would suit your bathroom! But what is most important is what’s inside the jar. The ingredients are a wonderful healing combination of natural plant oils, sea minerals, volcanic clays, essential oils and plant extracts. They are all beautiful and safe for your skin because, remember, your skin eats! The...

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Even the Cows at Ewingsdale love minerals

Posted by Natalie Cowling on

Here at Super Sea Mineral headquarters we have lots of ‘lawn-mowers’ – Cows! A recent discovery of mine was their obvious delight in drinking water that has Ormes added to it. When washing up after mixing I started throwing leftover minerals into the cows trough. Well they were never much interested in the ordinary old water until I added these minerals. Now I often find up to twenty cows all jostling for a slurp. I figure they instinctively know what they’re missing in their diet (our soils are so mineral-depleted) that they now think I am the Goddess!

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Super Sea Minerals launches new website

Posted by Natalie Cowling on

Well here we have it – finally the new website! Thanks to the guys at Mullum Mac at Mullumbimby NSW for their amazing help and patience with me! (In the photo is Obi designing the new labels.) This website will be a wonderful way to keep in touch with everyone and to provide extra information that I just couldn’t fit on the tiny tiny product labels. The science behind Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Minerals is cutting edge and so new things are being researched everyday. As new info comes to the fore I would love to add to the website. The...

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