News — whatisormus
Recommended Daily Intake and ORMUS Alkaline Super Sea Minerals
Posted by Alina Valiant on
Previously, we wrote about the enhanced bioavailability of minerals in our ORMUS liquid solution (click here for the previous blog). In this blog post we are going to share the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) for some of the important non-ORMUS trace minerals present in our ORMUS liquids for those who choose to take them internally. The dosage used for our measurement will be 5g or one teaspoon.An aggregate of online estimations for Magnesium gives an RDI of 310-420 mg for adults. Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals in ORMUS Alkaline Super Sea Minerals. In lab testing it was...
Bio-availability of Marine Minerals in ORMUS
Posted by Alina Valiant on
ORMUS that is created from the ocean using the 'wet method' contains both the monatomic elements from the noble metals as well as dozens of other trace minerals. ORMUS minerals, such as noble metals like gold, silver and platinum are considered to be bio-available as they have transitioned to an M-state form. The good news, though, is that the other minerals present are also in a state of high availability. Highly abundant in ORMUS Liquid Super Sea Minerals are positively charged minerals from the first columns of periodic table of elements. These include magnesium, potassium, calcium and sodium. Unlike tablet...